The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964), with Fiona Radford & Peta Greenfield

How does an empire fall, from within or without, and would it make a good movie? Those are just some of the many questions we dig into with special guests and hosts of the Partial Historians podcast, Dr. Fiona Radford and Dr. Peta Greenfield (@p_historians), as we take on Anthony Mann’s historical epic drama Fall of the Roman Empire. We dive into the history and reception of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, this movie’s place in the pantheon of Hollywood sword-and-sandal epics and the tension between historicity and ideology in films such as these. We also make our Gladiator 2 predictions. They should call it GLADIATOR$!

Book III - Classical Classics
Book III - Classical Classics
The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964), with Fiona Radford & Peta Greenfield