Pack your bags because we are headed to St. Louis for the Classical Association of the Midwest and South’s annual conference! That’s right, your hosts are not just nerds who really enjoy Classically-inspired media; they’re also serious scholars! Our host Christie talks to various participants (some of which are old friends of the podcast) to learn what they love about CAMWS. It’s not all serious academic talk though, because at the end of the day, we’re ALL big nerds that love to discuss film and Antiquity! Plus, you’ll get to learn a little more lore about your hosts!
Special thanks to everyone who sat down for an interview, including Christina Hotalen, Michael Hall, Sami Cronin, Andrea Stehle, Jeremy Swist, Amy Norgard, and Abigail Bradford! We have done our best to link their names with sites where you can learn more about them and their work. Be sure to let them know we sent you their way!
If you want to learn more about CAMWS, check out the website here:
And if you would like to attend an online conference all about the ancient world in media, be sure to check out AIMS (Antiquity in Media Studies)! Maybe we’ll see you there;)
This special episode also required a little more ambience, so thanks to music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): for helping to set the tone!