The Sandman (2022), with Kira Jones

A Note to Our Listeners: In the time since we recorded and edited this episode, new and troubling information has come to light as multiple women have accused its creator, Neil Gaiman of sexual coercion and assault. We at Movies We Dig believe these allegations and fully support the women who had the courage to come forward. While it is unlikely we will cover any future work associated with Gaiman, for the time being, we have decided to leave our episode on The Sandman available. We do this primarily to recognize the contributions of our guest, Kira Jones, as well the work done by the many other writers, actors, directors and other artists who contributed to series. Understand that this episode is reflective of our thoughts at the time. Reconciling how to receive art – especially such widely influential and beloved art – in the light of terrible truths about its creator is a difficult process, one we encourage all our listeners to consider seriously. Most importantly, our new priority going forward must be the stories of these women and how they want them told.

If you’d like support after learning that someone in your life has experienced sexual violence or if you are a survivor yourself and want to talk, feel free to call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or chat online at (y en español

Joined by a very special guest and the Rock’s personal Latin teacher, Dr. Kira Jones (@FlavianSophist), we enter the dreaming of Netflix’s The Sandman, based on the 1989-1996 comic of the same name. We dig the show’s mythological foundations, the nature of dreams and our favorite bits of Latin in modern pop culture. Come for the hot takes, leave never because you’re trapped in an eternal waking nightmare!

Book VI - Television
Book VI - Television
The Sandman (2022), with Kira Jones